NEET UG 2017 : The last date for joining based on Round 2 allotments will be 16th August, 2017 and 25th August 2017 respectively, for MCC and State Govt counselling….
Medical Council of India has notified the time schedule for completion of admission process for first MBBS course for the Academic session, 2017-18.
The revised time schedule has been published at and has been brought to the attention to all Counseling Authorities, DME of All State Govt., Deemed University, Central University, Deans and Directors of all Medical Colleges.
NEET 2017: MCC To Release Allotment Result, Check Here
Accordingly, the first round of counselling/admission to the seats to be filled up the State Government/Institutions has to be conducted from July 16 to July, 24, 2017, after the first round of counselling/admission to the 15% All India Quota seats and Deemed/Central Universities to be held between 3rd July, 2017 and 15th July, 2017.
The last date for joining the Institutions based on the first round of counselling will be 22nd July, 2017 for the allotments of MCC, while it would be 31st July, 2017 for the allotments made by State Government/Institutions.
The second round of counselling/admission by MCC will be held between 1st August, 2017 and 7th August, 2017 and for States between 26th August and 28th August, 2017.
Mop up round for Deemed/Central Universities would be held between 18th August and 27th August, 2017 and for States between 26th August and 28th August, 2017.
The academic session 2017-18 would commence on 1st August, 2017.
The Deemed Universities/ Medical Institutions can admit students against vacancies arising due to any reason, till 31st August, 2017.
All India quota seats remaining vacant after the last date of joining (16th August, 2017) will be deemed to be converted to State Quota. Institute/College/Seats permitted after 31st May, will not be considered for admission/allotment of seats for 2017-18. The last date of admission/joining will not be extended after, 31st August, 2017….
Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays (except August 15), will be treated as working days to keep to the time schedule.
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