Course Description Numerical techniques for solving difficulties arising in heat as well as mass transfer, liquid mechanics, chemical reaction manufacturing, and also molecular simulation. Topics: numerical linear algebra, solution of nonlinear algebraic equations and also standard differential equations, solution of partial differential equations (e.g. Navier-Stokes), numerical techniques in molecular simulation (mechanics, geometry optimization).
Lesson II-Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
Course Description This topic provides an introduction to modeling and simulation (IM/S), covering continuum techniques, atomistic and also molecular simulation (e.g. molecular dynamics) too as quantum technicians. These tools play some sort of increasingly important part in modern technology. You will get hands-on training in the fundamentals and additionally applications among these methods to […]
Lesson III-Chemical and Biological Eng
Course Description This course applies the concepts of reaction pace, stoichiometry and equilibrium to the analysis of chemical and additionally natural reacting methods, derivation of pace expressions from response mechanisms and also balance or steady state presumptions, design of chemical and additionally biochemical reactors via synthesis of chemical kinetics, transport phenomena, and additionally mass […]
Lesson IV-Introduction to Sustainable Energy
Course Description This class assesses current and potential future energy systems, covering resources, extraction, conversion, and also end-use technologies, alongside emphasis in fulfilling regional and worldwide energy needs within the 21st century within a renewable way. Teachers and also guest lecturers will examine different alternative as well as conventional energy manufacturing technologies, energy end-use […]
Lesson V-Numerical Analysis for Engineering
Course Description This course is granted to undergraduates and also introduces college students to the formulation, methodology, and skills for numerical solution of engineering issues. Subjects covered include: fundamental concepts of digital computing and also the implications for algorithm accuracy and additionally stability, error propagation and additionally stability, the solution of techniques of linear
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