Course Description
We will cover basics of environment, considering World because a particular integrated vibrant system. Subjects include coevolution of the biosphere, geosphere, environment and oceans; photosynthesis and additionally respiration; the hydrologic, carbon and also nitrogen cycles. We are going to examine the flow of energy and components through ecosystems; regulation of the distribution and also abundance of organisms; structure and additionally function of ecosystems, such as evolution as well as all-natural selection; metabolic diversity; productivity; trophic dynamics; designs of population development, competition, mutualism and predation. This program is designated as Communication-Intensive; guide and additionally practice in oral and also written dialogue provided. Biology is a suggested prerequisite.
Lecture Notes
Introduction: what is ecology?
How to be alive/thermodynamics of life
CI lecture: getting started with the term project
DeLong, Edward, and Penny Chisholm. 1.018J Ecology I: The Earth System, Fall 2009. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare), (Accessed 30 Jul, 2012). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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