An engineering degree is a passport to many career opportunities. Elite schools, and nearly every prominent overall ranking institutions will set up a comprehensive range of engineering courses, including mechanical engineering and manufacturing, electronics, electrical engineering, aerospace engineering , civil and environmental engineering, materials engineering, chemical engineering and other professional direction.
Mechanical Engineering
An important branch of engineering is mechanical engineering, involving the design, construction and machinery. The mechanical engineer’s work has become more and more varied, because it covers a wider range of industries & it depends on engineers to grasp the latest development technology, computer, IT and other characteristics to make them better equipped to analyze, summarize, and research capabilities.
Mechanical engineer works in a very wide range of industries such as automotive, aerospace, maritime, agriculture, chemical, civil affairs, energy and pharmaceutical industries.
Mechanical engineers employer types are as follows:
- Professional services firms
- Transport equipment manufacturing industry
- Machinery manufacturing industry
- Metal processing industry
- Construction industry
- Power industry
- Research and Development
Electrical Engineering
The traditional electrical engineering is defined as the sum of the relevant disciplines to produce electrical and electronic systems used to generate. This definition has been very broad, but with the rapid development of science and technology, electrical engineering concepts of the 21st century have been far beyond the scope of the above definition.
Stanford University professor’s definition of electrical engineering covers almost all the
electronic, photonic engineering behavior. The tremendous growth of the knowledge of the field width, we are required to re-check or even to reconstruct the direction of the disciplines of electrical engineering curriculum and its contents, so that the electrical engineering disciplines can effectively respond to the needs of the students, the needs of the community, the advancement of technology and dynamic research environment.
Electrical Engineering is one of the core disciplines in the field of modern technology and is an integral part of today’s high-tech fields in key disciplines. For example, precisely the tremendous progress of electronic technology to promote a computer network-based information era, and change the mode of human life, and so on. For this reason, the electrical engineering education and research has been in developed countries and the universities play a very important position.
The impact of electrical engineering, in the next few years includes:
(a) A decisive impact of Information Technology – IT is widely defined as not only including the computer, but also, the worldwide high-speed broadband computer networks and communication systems, as well as for sensing, processing, storage and display all kinds of information and supporting technology. IT has a particularly large dominant influence on the development of electrical engineering. IT continues to increase at an exponential rate and it depends largely on the continued technological innovation of the many disciplines in electrical engineering.
(b) Broaden the cross-cutting surface of the physical sciences – The close contact between electrical engineering and physical sciences is still the key to the future of electrical engineering disciplines, and will broaden to biological systems & photonics.
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Engineering course meet the demand of the vehicle manufacture & automotive supply chain companies. The course generally includes mathematics, solid mechanics, design, thermofluid mechanics , analytical modeling and vehicle systems and other related advanced modules. The graduates will have employment prospects across automotive manufacturers, automotive design consultancy & other allied careers.
Software Engineering
Software engineers develop and maintain computer software by using the best techniques and methods that can be combined in an environment where factors like time-tested, cost-effectiveness, developing high-quality software, engineering concepts, principles, and methods are properly adhered. It aims to develop the software to meet user needs, and make timely delivery within budget and assuring quality. Development or testing of software engineering is not a simple task but involves activities of a series of user needs and resource allocation and utilization. Software engineering is to improve the productivity and reliability of software development.
Popular Destination
Canada is becoming the best choice to study engineering courses as the current level of Canadian engineering professional education have reached international advanced level.
Studying in Canada’s commercial and industrial professional is the best choice, due to the Business Professional is more popular, so more and more students to study engineering professionals in recent years. The reason why many students choose Canada’s engineering profession, mainly because Canada is not only the world’s second-largest country in land area, but also rich in natural resources. Mining, forestry, oil and natural gas, hydropower and nuclear power industry is very developed, and consequently, the Canadian university teaching and professional research are more advanced, the more popular of the related engineering.
As an important part of study abroad, Admission Times professionals are very particular in selecting & picking up the right university for students where lots of factors are taken into account and views from professional bodies and experts in the overseas country are also consulted periodically.
Top Multinational companies in this industry:
Automotive Engineering
- Honda
- Nissan
- Toyota
- General Motors
- Bentley
- McLaren
- Williams
Electronics Engineering
- Wolfson
- Microelectronics
Chemical Engineering
- Big players include Air Products
- Akzonobel
Design and development roles in the UK tend to be with
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