GATE 2019 Expected Cut off, CSE Exam Analysis
GATE 2019 CSE Exam analysis: The General Aptitude section was ‘easy’ while the technical section was between ‘easy to moderate’ difficulty. The cut off is expected in the range of 24 to 27
GATE 2019 CSE Exam Analysis: The day two of GATE 2019 exam started well with Computer Science paper in the forenoon session. The overall difficulty level of the exam was ‘Easy to Moderate‘. The paper pattern was as expected and in line with previous year’s trend. There were a good number of questions in NAT (Numerical Answer Type) section, which many students were prepared for. It is estimated that more than 1.3 lakh students appeared for this exam.
The General Aptitude section was ‘easy’ while the technical section was between ‘easy to moderate’ difficulty. There were 24 NAT questions with around 11 questions of 1 mark and 13 questions of 2 marks.
Questions of Database were found tough by aspirants. Programming, Data Structures and Discrete Mathematics subjects had highest marks weightage in the exam. In addition, there were about 9 questions from Programming and Data Structures which proved to be time-consuming for most students.
Mathematics section, which includes engineering and discrete maths carried around 18 marks, which was a scoring section.
Based on the exam, the cut off is expected in the range of 24-27. The exam analysis shared below is purely prepared on the basis of the feedback shared by the GATE applicants.
Respected Source – Indian Express