LOR – Provides information about you to the admission committee which you are not able to check usually LOR is from a college professor or faculty member where you studied in or from supervisors.
at your workforce ,which tells the admission committee about the personal attributes, accomplishments, and experiences that make you unique and perfect for the program.
Sometimes two and often three recommendation letters are required for applying to a MBA or management program and they have to be generally in a sealed envelope with college or company seal.
University wants an unbiased opinion from the referee about the applicant’s ability to pursue the proposed programme.
The points that needs to be addressed in the letter from the referee are
1. The length of time and in what connection you have known the candidate – Identify your relationship to the candidate (i.e. professor ,supervisor, manager), the situation in which you observed the individual.
2. Level of performance of the candidate’s in its degree course or at workforce.
3. Evaluate how well the person conducted by using statements such as average, above average, exceptional, etc. on
- a) Intellectual ability
- b) Ability to work with others
- c) Administrative ability
- d) Ability in oral expression
- e) Imagination and creativity
4. The propensity of the applicant relative to other students
5. Do you know of any circumstances that might affect the applicant’s ability to complete the course
6. The applicant duties and standard of work if employed at your organization.
7. Verify that the student held the position and fulfilled the responsibilities claimed
8. If the candidate’s first language is not English how well would you rate applicant command over English written and spoken.
9. Any other information the referee think relevant and which referee feel would assist admission committee in making their decision
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