Student from IIT Kharagpur “Akash Neeraj Mittal” thought to post his CV in a different manner and now it has become viral. Basically he posted his CV on ecommerce website with a price tag of Rs 27, 60,200 only. Well no doubt he got all the attention but guess what Flipkart did not respond to him.
Well the student didn’t get any response from Flipkart but he is confidence that his achievements have been seen by so many people, that he would get a call from somewhere. I feel it’s a good way to market yourself. In so much of population, we always talk about how to differentiate from others , I think this step isn’t bad. According to his own words ( Aakash Neeraj Mittal)
When you are a 6-pointer and competing with best of the best minds of the country, you know how hard it is to land a job. You start doing some crazy and random stuff to stand out from the crowd. This is my resume for Flipkart’s APM Profile. I didn’t get an interview call though, but I hope it will bring a smile on someone’s face.
Well we hope best for him and to all the students who graduated . But definitely I am sure Flipkart needs to come up with mechanism where such posts are not uploaded otherwise several people will start putting their CV’s . Well is that competition to Monster or Naukri. Well it’s a joke though and we should consider it as a one of instance where student imagination went wild.
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