Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) is a company owned by central government, state government or by a single owner. They hire number of candidates every year for entry level jobs. ONGC or Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Company is one of its firms which is going to recruit 745 graduate trainees from different disciples of Engineering and Geo Science. Its eligible streams are Computer Engineering, Mechanical engineering and Electronic Engineering. For the eligibility of this requirement aspirants must appear in Gate 2016 and should obtain valid scores. ONGC online application forms are available on their official website . After the cut-off marks for the eligibility in ONGC are out, interviews will start in May, 2016. GATE 2016 online examination was conducted from January 30th to February 7th, 2016 in two slots which were 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm.
The detailed numbers of disciplines in GATE 2016 are
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Chemical Engineering (CH)
- Applied Petroleum Engineering
- Instrumentation Engineering (IN)
- Computer Engineering (CSE)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Geological Technology
- Auto Engineering
- Geology
- Petroleum Geoscience
- Electrical Engineering (EEE)
- Electronics Engineering (ECE)
- Telecom Engineering
- E & T Engineering
- Petroleum Geology
- Physics
Job Profile
The graduates in Petroleum Engineering/Applied Petroleum Engineering will have to appear in GATE 2016 for
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Chemical Engineering (CH)
- Engineering Sciences (XE)
Since Auto Engineering is not a part of GATE 2016, candidates will require taking Mechanical Engineering paper of GATE 2016.
Number of Vacancy
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | 745 |
Chemical Engineering (CH) | 745 |
Engineering Sciences (XE) | 745 |
The payment scale of candidates will vary from Rs 24900 to 50,000 per month and a salary increment of 35% will be provided every year when the candidate stays.
How to apply:
- Candidates can only apply if they have the GATE 2016 Registration Number (available on the GATE 2016 Admit Card)
- Candidates must apply for only one post even if they are eligible for more.
- They must fill all the requisite details and submit the application.
- The Registration slip generated as well as the printout of the Application Form must be kept safe to be furnished during the interview.
- Candidates must enter the name as per the GATE 2016 Application Form
- Other details will be published after they are announced in January 2016.
Application Address:
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) Tel BhavanDehradun : 248003
Uttaranchal ,India .
Emoluments: Candidates will be placed in the Pay scale Rs.24900-50,500 with an increment of 3% every year. Additional emoluments as per company guidelines will be applicable.
Important dates:
- Availability of the GATE 2016 Application: September 1 – October 8, 2015
- ONGC Applications will be available in January 2016
- ONGC Interviews: May 2016
Basic Cutoff for Applying
In year 2015, the basic cut off marks for Gate score was different for different streams. The highest cut off marks went for the stream AEE Civil which was 888 and the lowest was for geologist stream which was 524. This was for general category. For the reserved category the cut offs were also different and they ranged from 844-543 for OBC category, 644-322 for Scheduled cast category and 759-173 for Scheduled Tribes category.
Here is the table for detailed cut off range in the year 2015 for Gate Score.
AEE Mechanical | 750 | 721 | 644 | 507 |
AEE Production | 706 | 640 | 566 | 430 |
AEE Drilling | 750 | 739 | 548 | 417 |
AEE Cementing | 1 | 535 | 322 | 297 |
Transport Officer | 715 | 9 | No Post | No Post |
MM Officer | 756 | 713 | 603 | 505 |
AEE Electronic | 856 | 856 | No Post | 639 |
AEE Electrical | 817 | 736 | 583 | 670 |
AEE Instrumentation | 754 | 738 | 541 | 495 |
AEE Civil | 888 | 844 | No Post | 759 |
Geologist | 524 | 442 | 483 | 380 |
Geophysicist (Surface) | 524 | 488 | 437 | 190 |
Geophysicist (Wells) | 586 | 416 | 308 | No Post |
AEE Reservoir | 594 | 543 | No Post | 184 |
Chemist | 572 | 554 | 411 | 173 |
Programming Officer | 867 | No Post | No Post | 496 |
Selection Process
- Gate 2016: You must fulfill all the essential criteria to apply in GATE 2016 and then should be able to obtain valid score in it to get through ONGC recruitment.
- Gate scores will vary for different streams and the shortlisting of candidates from different streams will be done accordingly to do further shortlisting.
- A final merit will be declared which will be of total 100 marks in which 60 marks will be for GATE score, 15 marks for interview and 25 marks for previous qualification.
- Out of the 25 marks for qualification, 20 marks will be of the essential qualification degree and the 5 marks will include any other higher qualification if done.
- Even after getting through GATE, the candidate must be able to clear its own interview as well.
Health and Medical
Medical Conditions which will be acceptable and for which stream or caste, are explained in detail versions below:
- Complete or partial color blindness is only acceptable for the posts of Material Management Officer.
- Total amount of Myopia, both cylindrical and spherical is accepted upto -4.00 D and total amount of Hypermetropia, both cylindrical and spherical is accepted upto 4.00 D for all posts included in ONGC.
- For the posts of AEE(Rservoir), Chemist, Geologist, Geophysicist (Surface and Wells), Material Management Officer and Programming officer, candidates of more than 20 years of age having myopia upto -6.00 D and hypermetropia limited to 6.00 D are acceptable.
- Congenital night blindness is not acceptable for any posts.
- Correction with night blindness is not acceptable in above conditions as well.
The eligibility criteria for the recruitment in ONGC along with getting valid scores in Gate 2016 is as follows:
- Candidates should be passing their graduation degrees from recognized universities with at least 60% marks aggregate. There is no place for students with equivalent degrees and etc and they will not be eligible to apply for GATE 2016.
- There is a specific age limit for people who are applying. In all the streams, except for drilling and cementing, general candidate should not exceed 30 years and students who will be applying for drilling and cementing can have the age limit of 28 years.
- If you are able to score 75 rank in total, there is 90% chance that you will get recruited to work with ONGC. The other reserved categories have different age limits and they are given in details below.
There is reservation for OBC and SC/ST categories as well. The age limit for OBC in streams except drill and cementing is 33 years and the age limit for those streams is 31 years. For SC/ST the age limit is 35 years for streams and for drilling and cementing stream, its 33 years. For ex-servicemen, it is 35 years for the former and 33 years for the latter.
Application Fee
In order to apply for GATE 2016, you have to fill in the online application forms through GOAPS. The application fee cannot be refunded later on and its fee for general candidates is INR 1500/- and application fee for women candidates/SC/ST/PwD category is INR 750/-. The payment for the form of GATE 2016 can be done using Net banking, debit card or e-challan facilities. Additional charges are also applicable according to the rules of the bank from where you are transferring the money. Payment portal will display the charge specifically.
Application Process
The GATE application was available from September 1-October 8, 2015 and ONGC applications are available since January 2016 on their official website You need to apply for ONGC application forms by following the steps below:
- GATE 2016 Registration Number which is available on the GATE 2016 Admit Card is essential to fill the ONGC application form.
- Even if you are eligible for more than one post, you can only apply for one post.
- You must fill all the requisite details carefully before you submit the application form.
- A registration slip will be generated which you have to keep safe along with the printout of the Application Form and they will be furnished during the interview round.
- Candidates must enter the name as per the GATE 2016 Application Form
- Other details will be published after they are announced in January 2016.
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