RRB NTPC 2019 CBT 1 exam date postponed, check details here
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released an official notice informing the candidates that the RRB NTPC exam under CEN 01/2019 has been postponed. The computer based test (CBT)- 1st stage was scheduled to be held on June, September has now been postponed.
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released an official notice informing the candidates that the RRB NTPC exam under CEN 01/2019 has been postponed. The computer based test (CBT)- 1st stage was scheduled to be held on June, September has now been postponed.
However, the RRB has not yet notified the new dates for the exam. The official notice reads that the revised schedule will be published on the official website later on.
Over one crore candidates have applied for the RRB NTPC exam and they are eagerly waiting for its update on exam dates. If the dates are not announced this week, candidates might have to wait for next month. According to a latest notice issued by RRB, 1,26,30,88 candidates have applied for RRB NTPC recruitment 2019.
There are a total of 35, 277 posts under NTPC category. NTPC means Non Technical Popular Categories. The vacancies are for Under Graduate and Graduate Posts. Out of these, 103769 vacancies are for undergraduate candidates while for graduated candidates, there are 24649 vacancies that will be filled through this recruitment process.
The online application was invited between March 1 and 31. According to the RRB NTPC advertisement that was released in the beginning of this year, the first stage computer based test (CBT) was tentatively scheduled between June and September.
Source – Hindustan Times
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