RRB NTPC, Group D: These 10 questions of current affairs can come in the exam, definitely have a look
RRB NTPC, Group D: RRB NTPC and Group D recruitment exam will be conducted after appointment of agency.
RRB NTPC ( RRB NTPC ) and Group D ( RRB Group D ) test is hard to be back by August. The Railways is currently engaged in completing the agency appointment process. After the appointment of the agency, the agency will take 6-7 weeks to decide the exam date. This information was given by a senior RRB official to NavbharatTimes Online. For both RRB NTPC and Group D recruits, a computer-based examination will be conducted in the first stage. Both these recruitment examinations will also get questions from current affairs. Today we have brought this week’s Top Current Affairs questions.
RRB NTPC, Group D: Current Affairs Top 10
1. Who has been nominated for the US presidential elections from the Democratic Party against Donald Trump?
Answer: Joe Biden
2. In which financial year has the highest ever highway been constructed by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)?Answer: 2019-20
3. According to the data of IQAir, how many cities of India are included in the top 20 most polluted places in the world?
Answer: Two
4. Praveen Rao has been appointed as the new chairman of which industry body of India?
5. Government has constituted a committee for coordination with private sector, non-governmental organizations and international organizations related to COVID-19. Who will preside over this committee?
Answer: Amitabh Kant
6. How many years has the Government of India extended the tenure of the members of the Bank Board Bureau?
Answer: Two
7. With which private firm DRDO has developed face shield for doctors and medical staff treating COVID-19 patients?
Answer: Wipro
8.Which social media messaging app has limited message forwarding to prevent fake news during the coronovirus epidemic?
Answer: WhatsApp
9. Bernie Sanders has ended his campaign for the Democratic Party candidate race in which country’s presidential election?
Answer: America
10. Union HRD Ministry launched COVID-19 and which challenge to face future challenges?
Answer: Solution
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