RRB NTPC Exam 2016: Check Details of Stage 2 Exam
The final admit Cards of RRB NTPC will be released on January 13, 2017 for the January 17, 2017 exam.
Aspirants are required to note that the user id is the Registration number and Password is your date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) as entered during online application stage. RRB NTPC Result 2016 has been declared by Railway Recruitment Boards.
The preliminary admit card for the posts of RRB NTPC (Graduate) against CEN No. 03/2015 will be available for the candidates from January 2 .
RRB NTPC 2nd Stage Admit Card has been released by the Railways Recruitment Board on the respective regional websites. Students who had cleared the RRB NTPC 1st Stage CBT are eligible to write the 2nd Stage CBT scheduled to be conducted from Jan. 17 to Jan. 19, 2017. As per the official notification released on the official website regional RRBs, the admit card for 2nd stage CBT exam would be released in two stages. First admit cards released would be preliminary admit card. The Preliminary Admit Card for RRB NTPC 2nd Stage CBT are now available. Link for downloading the admit card is shared on the regional RRBs.
The aspirants must note that it is mandatory to carry the final admit card for the second stage of RRB NTPC exam which is scheduled to be conducted on January 17, 18 and 19, 2016. The Final E-Call Letters for appearing in the Exam with Test Centre Name and Address will be available 4 days before the Exam date. For the January 17 exam, the admit cards will be available for download from January 13, 2017. The admit cards for the January 18 exam, the admit cards will be available from January 14, 2016 while for January 19, the admit cards will be available from January 15, 2017.
Link for downloading of e-Call Letters for 2nd Stage Exam
RRB NTPC exam 2016: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), Thiruvananthapuram has released the details of the second stage of the exam which is tentatively scheduled to be held in December 2016. The qualified candidates will be informed through SMS about two weeks before the examination to download their call letters.
The final selection of candidates will be based on merit position obtained in the second stage CBT and/or result of aptitude test/ typing skill test wherever applicable. The normalisation of marks will be done as per extant rules.
Exam pattern for RRB NTPC exam 2016 stage 2:
The second stage CBT is likely to include questions on
General awareness
General intelligence
READ: RRB NTPC stage 2 exam schedule 2016
The Board has recently released the RRB NTPC 2016 results on the official websites of all 21 zones. The last date to check the result is December 23. As many as 54 lakh candidates had appeared for the exam out of which, about three lakh aspirants have cleared the first stage exam.
The exam will be held in three shifts on January 17, 18 and 19, 2017. The call letters will be released two weeks before the date of examination (CBT) on the official website of the RRB applied for. The E-call letters will have the complete details of the exam date, shift, reporting time, test centre and city.
Exam time: The duration of the second stage NTPC exam will be 90 minutes. The first shift will start at 7:30 am, second shift at 11 am and the last shift will begin at 2: 30 pm.
Those who have not check the results yet can follow the these steps to view the RRB NTPC results 2016:
- Visit the official website of the various Board
- On the homepage, there will be two links – one listing the individual score while other has the overall roll numbers of shortlisted candidates.
- To view the result, click on the ‘Written Exam Results – 07-12-2016 03/2015 CEN No. 03/2015 Result of 1st Stage Exam (CBT) for NTPC(Graduate) Post’
- A pdf file will open displaying the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates.
- Check your results and take a print out for future reference.
Exam duration: The second stage CBT will be of 90 minutes covering 120 multiple choice objective questions.
The question paper in the second stage examination (CBT) will be available only in the language opted by them in the application form and in English language. The English version of questions will be final in case of any dispute/discrepancy with the questions in opted language.
The link for final question paper, updated final answer keys and candidate’s response will be uploaded in concerned RRB’s website only after the entire process of recruitment of this CEN is completed, that is, after formation of panel.
Over 93 lakh candidates applied for the NTPC posts in the Indian Railways. Check out category-wise posts: Commercial Apprentice (CA) – 703; Traffic Apprentice (TA) – 1645; Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – 127; Goods Guard – 7591; Junior Accountant cum Amanuensis (Typist) (JAA) – 1205; Senior Clerk cum typist – 869; Assistant Station Master (ASM) – 5942; Transport Assistant – 166; Senior Time Keeper – 04.
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