Course Description Introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter versions of mechanical techniques. Kinematics. Force-momentum formulation for techniques of particles as well as rigid bodies in planar motion. Work-energy concepts. Digital displacements and also virtual work. Lagrange’s equations for techniques of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion.
Lesson II-Mechanics and Materials II
This course provides Mechanical Engineering students with an awareness of various responses exhibited by solid engineering materials when subjected to mechanical and thermal loadings; an introduction to the physical mechanisms associated with design-limiting behavior of engineering materials, especially stiffness, strength, toughness, and durability; an understanding of basic mechanical properties of engineering materials.
Lesson III-Mechanics and Materials I
Course Description This course provides an introduction to the mechanics of solids with applications to science and engineering. We emphasize the three essential features of all mechanics analyses, namely: (a) the geometry of the motion and/or deformation of the structure, and conditions of geometric fit, (b) the forces on and within structures and assemblages; […]
Lesson IV-How and Why Machines Work
Course Description Subject studies how and why machines work, how they are conceived, how they are developed (drawn), and how they are utilized. Students learn from the hands-on experiences of taking things apart mentally and physically, drawing (sketching, 3D CAD) what they envision and observe, taking occasional field trips, and completing an individual term […]
Lesson V-Fundamentals of Eng Design
Student teams formulate and complete space/earth/ocean exploration-based design projects with weekly milestones. This course introduces core engineering themes, principles, and modes of thinking, and includes exercises in written and oral
Lesson I-Aerodynamics of Viscous Fluids
Course Description The major focus of 16.thirteen is on boundary layers, and boundary film theory topic to different flow assumptions, such as compressibility, turbulence, dimensionality, and additionally heat transfer. Guidelines influencing aerodynamic flows and additionally transition and additionally influence of boundary layers in outer possible flow are offered, along alongside associated stall and additionally […]
Lesson II-Dynamics
Course Description This program covers the fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics, including kinematics, movement relative to accelerated address frames, work as well as energy, impulse as well as momentum, 2D and additionally 3D stiff body dynamics. The program pays particular attention to applications in aerospace engineering such as introductory subjects in orbital technicians, flight dynamics, […]
Lesson III-Principles of Automatic Control
Course Description The course deals with introduction to design of feedback control systems, attributes and also advantages of feedback systems, time-domain and frequency-domain performance measures, reliability and level of stability. It additionally covers root locus method, nyquist criterion, frequency-domain
Lesson IV-Thermal Energy
Course Description This program is instructed in four main parts. The initial is a review of fundamental thermodynamic concepts (e.g. energy exchange in propulsion and power processes), and also is accompanied by the second law (e.g. reversibility and irreversibility, forgotten work). Following tend to be applications of thermodynamics to engineering systems (e.g. propulsion and energy […]
Lesson V-Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems
Course Description This course provides an introduction to nonlinear deterministic dynamical systems. Topics covered include: nonlinear ordinary differential equations; planar
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