NTA Mock Test Centres for UGC NET Dec 2018 and JEE Main 2019 Exam on nta.ac.in – Steps to Book a Test Slot.
NTA UGC NET Dec 2018 Mock Test Centres are now live and the facility to book for a JEE Main 2019 mock test and UGC NET December 2018 Mock Test is available on nta.ac.in. Check how to book a test here…
National Testing Agency, NTA has released the Mock Tests for the upcoming UGC NET 2018 December examination and JEE Main 2019 examination. Candidates who are appearing for the two examinations can now register and select an examination centre nearby to practice mock tests. The information is available on nta.ac.in and not on jeemain.nic.in or ntanet.ac.in. Check how to register and book a Mock Test for UGC NET December 2018 and JEE Main 2019 mock test below.
Candidate who have registered or are planning to register for either UGC NET 2018 December examination or the JEE Main 2019 December examination can register on the official website. The centre locator would automatically provide the nearest centres and let you choose. The steps to register on nta.ac.in are explained below.
NTA Mock Test Centres: How to Register for UGC NET December 2018 and JEE Main 2019 Mock Exams
To Register –
Click on the link for Student Registration for Mock Test
Register on the page using your email address. Once registered, the system would then take you to a 4 step process where in you would have to give information like your address, your phone number, the examination you are interested in and so on. Provide the mandatory information and click next.
Based on the address provided, the system would generate the list of examination centres that are nearest to your location. Candidates are required to select a maximum of 5 centres and give preference of 1, 2,3, 4 and 5 in order of choice.
Click on Select Appointment. The system would then provide you with the list of available exam centres and the time slots. Select the same to book your appointment.
Respected Source – www.timesnownews.com
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