St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University First Cutoff List 2015-16 Will be Announced
The cut-off for English Honours class works out to 99 per cent; for Commerce, 97.75 per cent; for Science and 97.50 per cent for humanities, the highest for any of the subjects on offer at the college.
Delhi University’s St Stephen’s College on Tuesday announced its first cut-off list for admissions to the 2015-16 academic session with the highest requirement being for English honours at 99 percent.
The cut-off for a seat in the Stephen’s English Honours class works out to 99 percent for Commerce, 97.75 percent for Science and 97.50 percent for humanities, the highest for any of the subjects on offer at the college.
For Economics, the cut-off is at 98.50 percent for commerce, 97.50 percent for science and 97 percent for humanities.
For History, BA Pass, Mathematics, Sanskrit and Philosophy, the cut-offs are 98, 96.50, 97.25, 75 and 96.75 per cent, respectively.
Last year, the cut-offs for English and Economics were the highest at 97.25 for science students, 98 for commerce students and 97 per cent for humanities.
The college this year has received a record 32,100 applications for the 400 seats which are up for grabs.
Stephen’s offers Honours courses in Economics, English, History, Philosophy, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Chemistry along with the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) pass courses.
The college set its lowest cut-off for Sanskrit (Honours) at 70% for humanities students.
St. Stephen’s College Cut off list 2015, St. Stephen’s College Admission 2015-16, Cut off list 2015, St. Stephen’s College UG Admission 2015, St. Stephen’s College BA Hons Admission 2015, BSc Prog Admission 2015-16, St. Stephen’s College first Cut off list 2015, St. Stephen’s College second Cut off list 2015, St. Stephen’s College third Cut off list 2015, St. Stephen’s College Cut off list 2015, St Stephen’s College, Delhi University First Cut off List 2015, St Stephen’s College, Delhi University Admission 2015-16
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